asexual group. Some were actually asexual or at least of low libido, some did not have sufficiently well-characterized histories to be capable of classifying as either predominantly heter- or homosexual before surgery, and a few were just “crazy mixed up kids,” as it were.

Now we ran these three groups through the computer again. This time we hit pay dirt and that is the reason for reporting this to you, the read- ers of TRANSVESTIA. There are those among you who have, who are, or who may flirt with the idea of surgery. I presume you are heterosexual or you wouldn't be subscribing to TVia. Thus these results ought to have some importance to you. Previously when I have written about the subject those interested in surgery would just put it down as some of Vir- ginia's ramblings and as a matter of my personal opinion or point of view and they didn't see it as having any bearing on them. Hopefully, now that the data is objective from those who have actually undergone surgery, those of you flirting with this idea may give these results a little more at- tention and again hopefully, abandon the idea of surgery. I've watched too many of my friends and readers go down the tubes in this way so I am still concerned about those still poised on the brink. I don't say that those who have had the surgery are necessarily regretful though I know for a fact a number who are, but even those who seem to have made the best adjustment are seldom better off psychically, physically or finan- cially with their surgery than Mary and I are without it. So here is what we found.....

Although we asked about 200 questions many of them provided no very useful data and we selected out of those 200 questions those that seemed to indicate characteristic differences between the groups. When we had done that we discovered that we had two particular types of questions that were divergent, namely those dealing with sexuality and those concerned with the psycho-social aspects which we may term gen- derality. (I'm sure that those of you who are long time readers of TVia will not be surprised to find this division turning up again.) I won't take up your time and space with a lot of the professional type questions and interpretations but will deal solely with what was really the most import- ant finding of the research, namely that there was a real difference and an internal correlation on about fifty different questions between the pre- op hetero- and the pre-op homosexual groups. The asexual group, ex- cept in special cases, fall somewhere in the middle but as their results are of no great concern to present readers I'll omit them.